09:32 Pak Pong Ju Inspects Various Units | |
[조선어] [English] [Русский] [中国语] [日本語] [Español]
Comrade Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, vice-chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK, inspected various units. Making round of the Taean Friendship Glass Factory, he gave a pep-talk to the workers and technicians who are making innovations in production of various kinds of functional glass. The field consultative meeting discussed the measures for turning the factory into the energy-saving one by actively introducing advanced science and technology. At the Ryongrim Co-op Farm in Mundok County and the Chili Farm in Sukchon County, he underscored the need to round off harvest and threshing qualitatively in good time so as to successfully wrap up this year's farming. He visited the Institute of Pomiculture under the Academy of Agricultural Science where he stressed the need to push ahead with scientific researches for breeding high-yielding fruit trees.
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Category: English | Views: 1557 | | |