Leadership of Chinese Group of Solidarity with the DPRK met Comrade Baburin

   Beijing, September 30 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


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On September 22, a delegation headed by Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin, Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Peace Foundation (SPF), met with the leadership of the Chinese Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG.

Also on behalf of the Soviet Peace Foundation were comrades Sergei Ryzhik (Head of the SPF Administration) and Petr Shishkov.

On behalf of the Chinese Executive Committee of our organization, Luan Xinglong (Head of the Chinese Group of Solidarity with the DPRK), Zhang Shaoyan and Zhu Yilin participated in the dialogue.

The head of the Chinese organization told the members of the delegation about the activities of the DPRK ISG and showed them important news, including a press release on the events in the Soviet Peace Foundation. He expressed full support for the legitimate leadership of the Foundation headed by comrade Baburin and noted that, by order of Chairman Mostov, our Solidarity Group created the "Committee of Solidarity with the Soviet Peace Foundation".

Comrade Baburin was positively surprised by the powerful activity of Chinese activists supporting the Soviet Peace Fund, and thanked them for it from the bottom of his heart.

Representatives of the Chinese organization noted:

We understand very well the situation in which your organization has found itself due to the illegal actions of hostile forces that put personal ambitions and career interests above the demands of history. In this regard, Chairman Mostov instructed to treat the Soviet Peace Fund as a fraternal organization and to provide it with all possible support in the current difficult situation.

At the moment, we are informing the Chinese government and the media about the attacks that you have been subjected to. We assure you that the attack being carried out on you, undermining the foundations of the development of Russian·Chinese relations and Russian·Korean relations at the level of people's diplomacy, will not go unnoticed.

All activists of our executive committees are confident that with joint efforts we will be able to achieve victory.

Comrade Baburin, together with Comrade Luan Xinglong, summed up the specific steps that should be taken to open a branch of the Soviet Peace Fund in China.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of signing a treaty of friendship and cooperation between our organization and the Soviet Peace Fund and the Russian All·People's Union.



September 23, Juche 113 (2024)

To the Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Peace Fund, Comrade Sergei Baburin

The respected Comrade Baburin!

Thank you for meeting with our delegation during the celebration of the International Day of Peace 2024 in Beijing!

We consider it necessary to once again express our solidarity and support to you and your comrades, while pro-Western liberal lobbyists sabotage your work with fraudulent actions and even banditically seize your solidarity office.

We know and appreciate that it is under the leadership of Comrade Baburin that the Soviet Peace Fund unites friends of Russia in support of President Putin and strengthens cooperation with the peoples of China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Libya, Palestine, Syria and the peoples of other countries fighting for independence. We are also deeply concerned that certain individuals in the Russian parliament, ignoring the interests of the Russian people and the international community, are trying to undermine your peacekeeping activities, which have played a significant role in Russian-Chinese and Russian-Korean relations for decades.

We are with you!

No one should let down their guard! We inform the Chinese government and the media about the attacks you have suffered. The attack on you, which undermines the foundations of the development of Russian-Chinese relations and Russian-Korean relations at the level of public diplomacy, will not go unnoticed.

We look forward to your response.

We look forward to further cooperation with you and the Soviet
Peace Foundation in building a community of common destiny for mankind. We also hope that through joint cooperation we will be able to successfully establish a branch of the Soviet Peace Foundation in China in the near future.

From the Chinese Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG and the Committee of Solidarity with the Soviet Peace Fund


Luan Xinglong (head of the committee), Zhu Yilin and Zhang Shaoyan


Following the meeting, an official letter of solidarity addressed to the board of the Soviet Peace Fund was approved.

The meeting participants took a commemorative photo.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 57 | Added by: redstartvkp
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