Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Floral Basket to Respected Comrade Raul Castro Ruz


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The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un sent a floral basket to Raul Castro Ruz on his birthday.

The DPRK ambassador to Cuba courteously handed over the floral basket bearing the august name of Kim Jong Un to an official of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba on Thursday.

Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were the letters "Best Wishes for good health of the respected Comrade Raul Castro Ruz".


General Secretary Kim Jong Un Sends Congratulatory Message to Raul Castro Ruz



Esteemed Raul Castro Ruz

I send sincere congratulations and warm comradely greetings to you on your birthday.

Long ago you waged a bloody struggle with arms in your hand together with Fidel Castro Ruz, the eternal leader of the Cuban revolution, making a distinguished contribution to achieving the freedom and liberation of the Cuban people. Over the past decades you have victoriously led the struggle of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban people to firmly defend and glorify the sovereignty and dignity of the country and the gains of the revolution while overcoming all trials and tempest of history.

I am greatly rejoiced over the fact that the sacred cause of the Cuban revolution started and led by Fidel Castro Ruz and Raul Castro Ruz all their lives are still firmly carried forward and vigorously advanced.

Our Party and people always remember and highly appreciate that you have made a great contribution to strengthening and developing the genuine comradely unity and friendly and cooperative relations between our two parties and two countries on the road of struggle for accomplishing the anti-imperialist, independent cause and the socialist cause.

I wholeheartedly wish good health and happiness to you, a veteran of the Cuban revolution and an intimate friend and revolutionary comrade-in-arms of the Korean people.


Kim Jong Un



June 3, Juche 110(2021)

Category: English | Views: 455 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK-Cuba relations, DPRK, Korea, Kim Jong Un, Raul Castro Ruz, Fidel Castro Ruz, North Korea