Comrade Kim Sung U Meets with Heads of Primary Cells of Russian Executive Committee

   Moscow, September 30 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский]


On September 26, a meeting was held at the University of World Civilizations between Comrade Kim Sung U, DPRK Embassy Advisor, and the heads of primary cells of the Russian Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG.

Also present were the leading members of our organization, including Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG) and Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee and Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK).

Activist Ivan Kozlov reported to Comrade Mostov on the successes in creating primary cells of our organization at the State University of Management, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and the Russian State University for the Humanities. He introduced proven activists Maxim Zyuzin and Alexey Konstantinov, who supported the initiative to create friendship clubs with the DPRK in higher educational institutions of Moscow.

Comrade Kim Sung U personally met with the activists of the Group and praised them for their initiative. He said that the opening of primary organizations in universities is a great achievement, and also noted the surprisingly rapid expansion of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK since it joined our International Solidarity Group.

In turn, A. Mostov emphasized that such progress would have been unthinkable without the work of Anna Zorich, who proposed a new concept for primary organizations and personally created the basis for their development, and Ivan Kozlov, who found proactive students in various universities.

Following the meeting, activist Ivan Kozlov was promoted by unanimous decision of Chairman A. Mostov and Deputy Chairman V. Petrov to the rank of regional secretary of the Russian Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG in the Central Federal District of Russia.

The meeting participants took a commemorative photo.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 125 | Added by: redstartvkp
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