Solidarity Message Against Soviet Peace Fund's Shutdown

   September 22 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский]


On September 16, the Italian branch of the Korea Friends Association (KFA Italy) sent a letter of support to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG).

The full text of the letter follows below.

Dear comrades from the ISG,

On behalf of KFA Italy and myself, I would like to express you my deepest solidarity and strongest condemnation for the hostile activity of shutting down the headquarters of the former Soviet Peace Fund. It is a heinous act that blatantly contradicts the directives of friendship and solidarity between Russian and DPRK peoples and governments in the common struggle against imperialism and dominationism. This shows the urgent need for Russia to get rid of the fifth columns which still linger inside the country's society and hinders its independent, sovereign and anti-imperialist development. However, no enemy act will ever tarnish or erase the imperishable contribution made by the socialist Soviet Union to peace, friendship and solidarity all around the world. We are confident that the situation will be settled and the
Soviet Peace Fund be restored in its original state.

Long live the ISG! Long live its revolutionary activities in defense and for the dissemination of the Juche Idea among the Russian people!



Dott. Jean-Claude Martini

Delegato Ufficiale della KFA-Italia

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 42 | Added by: redstartvkp
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