Visit to Special Economic Zone "Alabuga"

   Kazan, October 6 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский]


On September 13, the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan visited the special economic zone "Alabuga" in the Republic of Tatarstan by special invitation.

This visit was carried out with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Komsomol of Tajikistan and the SEZ "Alabuga".

Murodbek Safarbekovich Yuldoshev, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan, headed the delegation. He was accompanied by Alexander Andreevich Mostov, Honorary Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan and Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group.

Throughout the trip, the dear guests were accompanied by the relevant employees of the special economic zone.

The head of Komsomol personally inspected the living quarters of the participants of the Alabuga Start project, which gives young and talented girls from all over the world the opportunity to receive free professional education in such areas as logistics, welding, service and hospitality, the catering industry, tiling, etc.

A project participant from Tajikistan, studying and working at a local enterprise, expressed special gratitude to Murodbek Safarbekovich for finding time to visit her despite his busy schedule and to get acquainted with the living conditions on site. She spoke in detail about her life, noting that she hopes to meet more Tajik students next year.

The Komsomol representatives said a few parting words to the student, wished her good luck in her career and studies, and then took a photo with her as a keepsake.

Then the members of the delegation visited Alabuga Polytech, a large educational center for training qualified workers with a target capacity of 10 thousand people per year. While inspecting the Pyramid complex, they visited the loud and quiet zones, a gym, an assessment center, a coworking space, a Japanese restaurant, and a residential center.

- The scale of the enterprise is truly impressive! You could say that this is an entire city that relies entirely on the employees of the Alabuga SEZ. It is gratifying to think that many students from Tajikistan will soon be able to study and work in this place, opening up new opportunities for themselves and their home country, - said comrade Yuldoshev, inspecting the panoramic view from the observation deck of the Pyramid complex.

Then the members of the delegation held detailed negotiations, following which an important document was signed.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 52 | Added by: redstartvkp
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