People-oriented Constitution


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The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK, adopted on December 27, Juche 61 (1972) at the First Session of the Fifth Supreme People’s Assembly, has been amended and supplemented on several occasions.

It stipulates in a comprehensive way all the rights that the people shall exercise in all sectors of social life, including the rights to work, medical care and education.

The fundamental rights of citizens correctly reflect the demands of the masses, and they are provided to every citizen on an equal and substantial basis. All citizens who have reached the age of 17 have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of sex, occupation, place of residence, education, political views and religious belief.

The election of deputies to the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK was held in March 2019. 99.99 percent of all voters registered in relevant constituencies attended the election and 100 percent of them cast their ballots for the candidates for the deputies to the SPA registered in relevant constituencies. Workers accounted for 16.2% of the deputies to the SPA, cooperative farmers for 9.6% and women for 17.6%. The deputies included officials of Party and power organs, administrative and economic organs, working people’s organizations and those of such sectors as science, education, public health, sports, art and literature, the mass media, etc.

The Socialist Constitution stipulates the system of state organs in such a way as to make the masses hold the position as the masters of the state and society and fulfil their role as such. The SPA and other state organs in the DPRK are comprised of the representatives of people. They set it as their basic mission and duty to champion the interests of the masses and make endeavours to provide them with genuine freedom and happiness.

The DPRK instituted December 27 as a holiday.

Category: English | Views: 497 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK, Korea, Constitution