The online meeting on the occasion of the Day of the Foundation of the Republic Liberation Day was held


On the occasion of the approaching Day of the Foundation of the Republic on September 9, a meeting of the heads of the DPRK International Solidarity Group was held.

The meeting was supervised by Alexander Mostov, the Chairman of the Coordination Committe. Further took part Li Jizheng, the Representative in the PRC, as well as Fritz Schmidt, the Representative in the EU.

The meeting was also attended by Nikita Dobrov, a member of the ideological commission of the "Leninski Komsomol" in Saint Petersburg.

The participants of the meeting praised the unfading services of the great leaders of the Korean people in the construction of the party and the state. In particular, comrade Mostov noted the key importance of eliminating factionalism in achieving true sovereignty. And the comrade Li Jizheng praised the wise development of international relations based on the principle of relying on one's own forces.

Comrade Dobrov, in turn, spoke about the troubles of the countries where capitalism was restored, and stressed that as long as the Korean people follow the path of independence in accordance with the course of the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, their socialist system will be under reliable protection.

Then, the participants of the meeting discussed the key issues that have arisen in the course of the work of our organization in the past months. After the discussion, the following decisions were made:

- In the near future, a congress of the DPRK International Solidarity Group shall be held.

- Comrade Li Jizheng was re-elected as Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for Important Dates.

- In connection with the request of the Korean side, the humanitarian aid programme shall be freezed until the need arises.

- An archive of the Korean Central Television shall be created on the "Bulgeunbyol TV" website.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 398 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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