Second Organizing Conference of DPRK ISG Opened


On January 5, Juche 110 (2021), on the first anniversary of the Group's reorganization into the International Solidarity Group, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Shining Star, a general gathering of senior officials and representatives of friendly organizations was announced for the Second Organizing Conference of the DPRK ISG.

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the DPRK ISG, appointed Сomrade Li Jizheng as Chairman of the Preparatory Committee and responsible for organizing work in the PRC, and Georgy Abzianidze as responsible for organizing work in the Russian Federation and information coverage.

The Preparatory Committee has set the time period from February 5 to February 17 inclusive as the period of its work.

Then, congratulatory letters from friendly organizations were presented, expressing hope for the further development of the DPRK ISG as an international solidarity organization contributing to the development of public diplomacy relations between the Republic and friendly countries.


Comrade Mostov Addressed Executives, Activists and Representatives of Friendly Organizations 10th Anniversary of the Group

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the DPRK ISG, opened the conference with his opening remarks.

First of all, Comrade Mostov expressed boundless respect for the figure of the Great Leader Kim Jong Il, and for the eternal memory he left behind. The Chairman of the Group also noted the merits of great Comrade Kim Jong Il in the field of ideology, economics and politics and recalled his enormous historical role in ensuring the survival of the DPRK under the blockade and pressure from the forces of world imperialism.

The full text of the appeal follows.

Dear employees of our Group and representatives of friendly organizations!

As the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the DPRK ISG, I welcome you to the The 2st International Online Conference on the occasion of the Day of the Shining Star - the birthday of the Great Leader Kim Jong Il. Since we are also celebrating the 10th anniversary of the organization, I express my special thanks to everyone.

The Great Leader Kim Jong Il, like a guiding star, showed the world an example of socialist construction under the conditions of an unprecedented trade and economic blockade, and thus forever left a mark in the memory of the progressive people of the world who stand up for independence against the forces of world imperialism.

The Great Leader made a huge contribution to the development of the socialist movement on a global scale. He comprehensively inherited, structured them, and scientifically substantiated the Juche socialist theory, developed a powerful Songun policy, with wise leadership defended the socialist construction in the DPRK and upheld the national sovereignty of the Korean people.

Undoubtedly, the eternal memory of the great Comrade Kim Jong Il is an integral part of our organization - the DPRK International Solidarity Group.

In December 100 Juche (2011), our Group began its work in the CIS as a network of pro-DPRK activists in order to duly honor the memory of the untimely deceased Great Leader Kim Jong Il. Many Russians, deeply respecting him as a defender of socialism, have made a feasible contribution to the development of our organization.

Many years have passed since then, but the Solidarity Group has not forgotten about the leadership of the great Сomrade Kim Jong Il. And on February 5, 109 Juche (2020), when our Group was reorganized into the International Group of Solidarity with the DPRK, this decision was symbolically timed to coincide with the festive events on the occasion of the Day of the Shining Star.

According to the decision of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG following the results of Juche 109 (2020), February 5 is celebrated by our organization as the day of the formation of the Group. In this regard, many friendly organizations have sent us letters reflecting the high hopes that the progressive people of the world place on our organization.

I was especially touched by the congratulatory letters sent by our Chinese comrades from the PRC, where the executive committee of the DPRK ISG was formed last year. I believe that all the activists of our organization will continue to work energetically in accordance with the spirit of the 1st international congress of solidarity, feeling responsible for the expectations of the people.

Studying the 10-year history of the Solidarity Group, I understand what a long way our organization has gone. From a small community of friends of Korea, the Group has turned into a full-fledged international organizational structure that supports the DPRK in word and deed. And to this day, thanks to proactive actvists from different countries, our Group continues to move towards new frontiers, maintaining justice on the fields of information war.

After the speech was published, Comrade Mostov announced the opening of the organizing conference and invited the audience to discuss the latest key events in the life of the DPRK and our organization, as well as once again recall the merits of the Great Leader Kim Jong Il in party and state building, remembering the official reason for convening the conference.

The agenda was approved.

The organizing conference continues.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 627 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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