Preparatory Committee for Important Dates Was Formed, New Members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG Were Elected Early


On November 25, 109th Juche (2020), an online organizational meeting was held with the participation of members and candidates for members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, editor-in-chief of Bulgeunbyeol TV Alexander Mostov, representative to the PRC Li Jizheng, member of the bureau of the St. Petersburg City Committee of the Leninist Komsomol of the Russian Federation Nikita Dobrov, editor-in-chief of Korean Radio Andrey Shin and press Secretary of the DPRK ISG Georgii Abzianidze.

The following issues were put on the agenda:

  • On the organization of mourning events on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the death of the Great Leader Kim Jong Il, and the establishment of a preparatory committee for this occasion.
  • On the early election of new members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG to the deteriorating health of the head of the Group.
  • About new threats to the movement of international solidarity.
  • A disciplinary question.

The meeting took place in a calm working atmosphere. Personnel decisions and appointments to key positions were made by voting.


① The Preparatory Committee for the Important Dates Was Formed.

On behalf of the head of the organization, a Preparatory Committee was formed on the occasion of the day of mourning.

The Preparatory Committee set the time period from November 29 to December 20 as the period for the mourning events.

Comrade Mostov was unanimously elected Chairman of the Preparatory Committee.

Comrade Dobrov was appointed head of the organizational work of the Central Mourning Meeting.


② New Members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK IG Were Early Elected

In connection with a sudden deterioration in the health of the head of the DPRK ISG Alexander Mostov, it was decided to early elect new members of the Coordination Committee from among the candidates.

Thus, Comrades Andrey Shin, Ilya Kleimenov and Nikita Dobrov were unanimously elected as members of the Committee.


③ Threats to the International Solidarity Movement Were Discussed

In connection with the growing threat against the movement of international solidarity, Comrade Mostov instructed senior officials to take all necessary precautions.

The head of the Group strongly condemned the propagandists who fabricate slanderous information about the activities of solidarity organizations such as the DPRK ISG and KFA. He emphasized that in modern realities, even a short-term loss of vigilance can play into the hands of hostile forces and expressed hope for an early overcoming of the crisis situation.


④ Disciplinary Measures Have Been Taken

In order to strengthen the Coordinating Committee of the DPRK ISG, disciplinary measures were taken at the meeting.

First of all, Comrade Mostov expressed gratitude to the representative of the DPRK ISG in the PRC Li Jizheng for the noticeable progress in the development of our organization in China. He expressed the hope that Chinese activists, realizing in their hearts the historical importance of the development of relations of people's diplomacy between the PRC and the DPRK, will be at the forefront of our organization in the future.

Activist Georgii Abzianidze, deeply realizing and concretely analyzing past mistakes, made a statement of self-criticism and asked for reinstatement in the Coordinating Committee of the DPRK ISG. As a result of the vote, Comrade Abzianidze was reinstated in the Committee.

Due to the negligent and frivolous attitude towards the priorities of the Group, the member of the Coordination Committee, Fritz Schmidt, who was absent from the meeting without reason, was sharply criticized and dismissed. The decision met with no objection.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 427 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: Kim Jong Il, DPRK ISG
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