Online Meeting of Belarusian Executive Committee

   June 9, Minsk (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский] [Беларуская]


On June 4, 113 of Juche (2024), an online meeting was held dedicated to the 87th anniversary of the victorious raid of large formations of the regular armed forces of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army under the command of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung in Pochonbo.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Solidarity Group with the DPRK (Republic of Belarus), including comrades Klim Belsky (Head of the organization), Philip Kolosov (2nd Secretary for Ideology) and Dmitry Mataev (2nd deputy head).

Comrade Belsky read out ideological material telling about the significance of this raid under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung for the revolutionary cause of liberating Korea from the yoke of Japanese imperialism with the subsequent acquisition by the Korean people of a sovereign state in which there will be no exploitation of man by man and a socialist system and true communist democracy will be established.

As a result, we can be justifiably proud that the victory in the battle in Pochonbo, which drove the enemy into panic, inspired all Koreans to rise up in the sacred struggle for the independence of their Motherland.

The torch raised in the sky over Pochonbo brilliantly embodied Kim Il Sung’s ideas about national independence and the priority of weapons - to achieve the liberation of the Motherland only by the forces of the Korean nation itself, without relying on foreign forces. This torch burst into flames that burned the Japanese imperialists and brought to fruition the historic cause of Korean liberation.

87 years have passed since the Battle of Pochonbo. But the Korean people still deeply comprehend the unfading merits of Kim Il Sung, who brought the dawn of the nation’s revival in those dark years, and pass them on from generation to generation.

Below is the text of the material about this event.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 296 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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