18:39 May Day Meeting Held |
May 3, Moscow (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
On May 1, on the occasion of International Workers' Day, a meeting of the executive committees of the DPRK International Solidarity Group was held in Moscow. During the meeting, the work for the last six months was summarized and the results of the 6th Organizational Conference were read out. The ceremony was attended by Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG), Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee and Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK), Murodbek Yuldoshev (Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ideological Leader of the Tajik Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG) and Alexander Vorontsov (Head of the Department of Korea and Mongolia at the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK), as well as activists of our organization from Russia, China and Germany. Also participating were comrades Tim Trendelkamp (Scientific Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG), Alexey Legoshin (Head of the Friendship Club with the DPRK at the University of World Civilizations), Georgy Dmitriev (Head of the Friendship Club with the DPRK at the Sergiev Posad Technical School), members of the Chinese executive committee, activists primary cells in educational institutions. Moscow Komsomol members were present as observers. Comrade Mostov made a speech. He said that the entry of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK into the DPRK International Solidarity Group led to serious structural changes, which were systematized at the 6th Organizational Conference held from January to April, and read out a message on its results. He then read the following letter from the Korean National Peace Committee.
The letter from the Committee was met with prolonged applause. The meeting participants expressed full support for the just position of the Korean people, strongly condemning the aggressive machinations of the US imperialists and the gang of puppets of the Republic of Korea. Comrade Petrov emphasized that the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK has supported, has supported and will always support Korea in upholding state sovereignty. He expressed confidence that under the leadership of the respected comrade Kim Jong Un, the DPRK has become a powerful socialist state capable of repelling the attack of any enemy without hesitation. The head of the Russian organization also expressed full support for the course of the DPRK ISG to unite the international solidarity movement, noting the unprecedented successes and progress unprecedented in many years that have occurred in Russia thanks to the activities of Chairman Mostov and the leaders of the primary cells. On behalf of the Communist Party and Komsomol of Tajikistan, Comrade Yuldoshev presented the DPRK ISG with the honorary badge of the “Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Tajik SSR.” He also gave the head of our organization a precious gift on behalf of the Chairman of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, conveying his best wishes. In turn, the Chairman of the DPRK ISG, on behalf of the Coordination Committee of our organization, expressed gratitude to the respected Murodbek Safarbekovich for his special contribution to the development of Korean-Tajik relations. The letter of gratitude emphasized that thanks to his initiatives, the activities of the Tajik Solidarity Group with the DPRK reached a qualitatively new level, and expressed firm confidence in the fairness of the course promoted by the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan. Then Comrade Vorontsov gave a detailed lecture on the results of our delegation’s trip to the DPRK. The Russian Korean scholar said that during the delegation’s visit, representatives of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK and the Altai Society for the Study of Juche Ideas, as part of the DPRK International Solidarity Group, took part in the first seminar in many years on the study of Juche ideas on independence, justice and the future of humanity , and also visited different places in the country. Comrade Vorontsov expressed admiration for the significant progress that the Korean people have achieved in improving the well-being of the population. In his opinion, the quality and volume of construction work, visible to the naked eye on the example of the new streets of Pyongyang, clearly demonstrates the shocking growth of the DPRK economy - this is the new reality that experts from the United States and South Korea will now have to put up with. He also told the meeting participants details of the meeting with Ri Il Hwan, Member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, and other relevant workers. At the end of the meeting, Comrades Legoshin and Dmitriev told the students about the activities of our primary cells. The meeting participants took photographs for memory.
Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 245 | | |
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