DPRK Founding Day Meeting Held

   September 12 (RSTV)   


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On August 28, a meeting of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) on the occasion of the Day of the Foundation of the Republic was held.

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG and Head of the Russian Executive Committee, chaired the meeting.

The meeting was held online. It was attended by members of the Central Committee and heads of the Executive Committees of our Group, including Comrades Li Jizhen, Nikita Dobrov, Tim Trendelkamp, ​​Johannes Wittmund, and Lieutenant Colonel Shin Andrey.

Leading officials of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Komsomol of the Russian Federation and Bomminryong were present as observers.

Comrade Mostov addressed the audience and noted the following.

Through the fault of the Japanese imperialists, the Korean nation has known the horrors of enslavement unprecedented in history. Millions of Koreans were subjected to forced "Japanization" by the occupation regime, which intended to completely destroy the national identity of Korea.

The great Comrade Kim Il Sung from an early age wanted to fulfill the main aspirations of the people - the liberation of the Motherland. To achieve this goal, he was forced to leave his father's house as a child.

Many difficult trials fell on the path of the future people's leader. First, Comrade Kim Il Sung, having become an anti-Japanese guerrilla in China, fought against a common enemy side by side with the Chinese revolutionaries and thus cemented the destinies of the two peoples with blood. And then, with the joint efforts of the Red Army and the KPRA, he gave the last battle to the Japanese invaders and forever expelled them from Korean soil.

It is not for nothing that the Korean people from generation to generation pass on legends about the exploits of the Great Commander, who put an end to the domination of Japanese imperialism. The founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was the revival of Korean statehood, but never brought the long-awaited peace to the Korean nation: just a couple of years later, the young Republic came under vile attack from anti-communist forces led by the United States. Millions of patriots were forced to take up arms again in order to protect their land from the encroachment of US aggressors.

Under the leadership of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the DPRK has overcome the long path of post-war reconstruction and socialist construction, and under the leadership of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, it has become a mighty nuclear power.

Today, the precepts of the Leaders of the predecessors are being put into practice by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, highly revered by our organization as an Outstanding Leader of International Solidarity. We welcome the efforts of all countries wishing to develop friendly relations with the DPRK and assist its struggle against US hegemony. We warmly support the efforts of Chinese President Comrade Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin to develop relations between our fraternal countries.

All the progressive people of the world should unanimously rally around the Republic, fight the anti-socialist propaganda and spread the truth about the current realities of People's Korea.

Then the participants of the meeting announced the results of voting on key issues of the 4th Organizing Conference of the DPRK ISG, which closed on August 15:

1. The issue of the election of Alexander Mostov as the Head of the Group

  • Russian Executive Committee - 97.84%
  • Chinese Executive Committee - 100%
  • German Executive Committee - 100%

The decision was made.

2. The issue of the formation of the Russian, Chinese and German Solidarity Groups.

  • Russian Executive Committee - 97.84%
  • Chinese Executive Committee - 100%
  • German Executive Committee - 0%

The decision was made in the Russian and Chinese Executive Committees

3. Dissolution of the Belarusian Executive Committee

The decision was made without a vote due to the lack of a quorum. The number of registered activists of the Belarusian Executive Committee as of August 15, 2022 was only 2 people.

4. A course has been announced to ensure scientific and business orientation in organizational work.

Then there was a session of self-criticism.

All leading officials analyzed the mistakes and deviations revealed in the organizational work and expressed their determination to raise the red banner of the movement of international solidarity with the DPRK even higher.

It was emphasized that the Solidarity Group intends to focus on achieving practical goals.

On September 7, Comrade Mostov presented the above report at a solemn meeting at the Soviet Peace Fund.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 358 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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