DPRK Ammunition in Ukrainian Army?

   July 12, Vladivostok (RSTV)   


[English] [Русский]


In connection with the spread of rumors about the use of Korean-made shells by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we are publishing a commentary by Vladimir Khrustalev, Military Expert of the Scientific Committee of the DPRK ISG.

"122-mm missiles manufactured by the DPRK in 1995 and previously sold to the Middle East have now surfaced in the end with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

122-mm rockets were widely sold at one time to Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, etc. And from there, during deliveries to allies or during wars, including civilian ones, they spread. Including as cargo intercepted by the US and Israel. Actually, the marking there resembles what came from the buyers of these shells to various organizations fighting against Israel, etc. And regularly, after the interception, "changed ownership." For example, for many years Hamas received products of the military-industrial complex of the DPRK bought for it by different countries, and since part of the supplies were intercepted by Israel and the United States (and also captured in battles with the owners), as a result, there were bizarre chains of owners.

And we must pay tribute. They are raking out compatible US ammunition for Kyiv wherever they can and what they can. Including stocks of confiscated goods and trophies from the Middle East region."

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 900 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: UKRAINE, Spetial Military Operation, Korea, RUSSIA, DPRK, North Korea
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