Celebrating International Day of Peace in China 2024

   Beijing, October 1 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


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At the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD), a delegation headed by Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin, Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Peace Foundation (SPF) and a member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), paid a visit to the PRC.

The delegation included comrades Sergei Ryzhik (Head of the SPF Administration) and Petr Shishkov (SPF employee, Candidate in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG and Member of the Board of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK).

This visit was timed to coincide with the International Day of Peace (September 21). The members of the delegation were invited by the CPAPD as the only representatives of Russia.



On September 16, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Comrade Andrei Yuryevich Rudenko received representatives of the Soviet Peace Fund in the persons of Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin and Sergei Vyacheslavovich Ryzhik on the eve of the departure of the delegation of the Soviet Peace Fund to the World Peace Forum in China.

Comrade Baburin received an official invitation from the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament as a representative of Russia. During the meeting, it was noted that Chinese and Vietnamese officials do not recognize the raider takeover of the Fund and support its legitimate leadership.

Comrade Baburin also conveyed an appeal from national peace funds to Minister Lavrov in connection with the attempts at a raider takeover of the Fund.



On September 18, a delegation of the Soviet Peace Fund, at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, arrived on an official visit to Beijing, PRC.



About 180 representatives of foreign political parties, peace and friendship organizations, security think tanks and relevant domestic departments have been invited to the events of the International Day of Peace 2024 in China.

The members of the Soviet Peace Foundation delegation met with the heads of the peace foundations of Armenia and Belarus, who also came to the Peace Forum, and then traveled together from Beijing on a high-speed train (320 km/h) to the city of Jinan in Shandong Province.

Former Presidents, ministers, and party leaders from different countries and peoples gathered among the participants of the celebration in Jinan. Comrade Baburin was glad to see old friends and find new acquaintances at the gala banquet, and to compare positions with them on key issues.



The opening ceremony of the International Day of Peace in China was presided over by Comrade Liu Jianchao, Director of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, who immediately gave the floor to Comrade Han Zheng, Vice President of the People's Republic of China, a close associate of the great Comrade Xi Jinping. The participation of such an important figure in China in the Forum of Public Organizations confirmed the great importance that the Chinese leadership attaches to international cooperation at the level of public organizations.



In his speech, the Vice President of the People's Republic of China argued the importance of building a "community with a shared future for mankind" advocated by the Chinese leadership, along with the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. He called on all parties to follow the correct direction of the historical trend, to jointly implement the three major global initiatives, achieve common development, observe peaceful coexistence, promote exchanges and mutual learning.



At the opening of the Peace Day in Jinan, a video greeting from the UN Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guterres was heard.



Welcoming remarks were also made by Comrade Sommad Folsena (Vice President of the National Assembly of Laos), Mr. Kgalema Motlanthe (former President of South Africa), Mr. Ernesto Samper Pizano (former President of Colombia), Mr. Ueli Maurer (former Federal President of Switzerland), head of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee Comrade Lin Wu, Comrade Ma Biao (President of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament) and others.

All speeches were of a peacekeeping nature. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee mentioned the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.



The delegation of the Soviet Peace Foundation in China met with the former President of the Republic of South Africa. He especially warmly recalled his long-time comrade, the prominent Soviet and Russian Africanist Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Tyotkin, who introduced Comrade Baburin to the problems of South Africa in 1992. Then a meeting with the former Federal President of the Swiss Confederation took place.



During the conversation with Comrade Sommad Pholsena, Vice President of the National Assembly of Laos and the President of the Lao Peace and Solidarity Committee, not only issues of contemporary politics but also political history were raised. A meeting with Comrade Victor Gaute Lopez, Representative of Cuba, also took place.



The festive concert for the participants of the International Peace Day celebration in Jinan pleased the participants of the celebration with a high level of performance skills, thoughtfulness of the content and clear organization.



Before leaving the city, the delegates from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took a photo for memory.



Information about the opening of the International Peace Day was broadcast in news releases throughout China. All key media outlets reported on the event, including China Central Television and the Xinhua News Agency.



After arriving in the city of Weifan, Shandong Province, the working day of the Forum participants began on September 20 at 07:15 with a tour of industrial exhibitions and agricultural production.



The village of Qianchezhuang impressed the members of the delegation with its products and social infrastructure.

A discussion of the global Chinese development initiative took place in the central square of the demonstration village of Qianchezhuang. The story of the Shandong Province Party Committee Secretary showed the possibilities of successful economic innovation based on traditions.



Comrade Baburin and the delegation members got acquainted with the successes of Chinese cooperative villages. Then he, together with Comrade An Yuejun, Secretary General of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, and Comrade Sommad Pholsena, Vice·Chairman of the Lao Parliament, watched a performance at the International Kite Museum.



The discussion of the participants in the celebration of International Peace Day took place after visiting the Museum of the concentration camp.



The events on September 20 ended with a press conference by Comrade Baburin for Chinese and foreign journalists. He emphasized that, given the unprecedented civilizational nature of the global crisis that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin speaks about, Xi Jinping's concepts and initiatives to build a community of shared destiny for mankind are especially relevant and significant.



A collective statement of participants of the Peace Day in China on solidarity with the people of Lebanon and condemnation of Israeli aggression was signed. The initiative was supported by representatives of peacekeeping organizations of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Greece, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Syria and a number of other countries.



The final dialogue of the International Peace Day in China was dedicated to the global initiative of Comrade Xi Jinping on civilizational development, cooperation of civilizations and cultures.

The celebration of the International Peace Day 2024 in the PRC ended on September 21. Comrade An Yuejun, Secretary General of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, summed up the results and announced the closing of the holiday.




On September 22, a delegation headed by Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin, Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Peace Foundation (SPF), met with the leadership of the Chinese Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG.

Also on behalf of the Soviet Peace Foundation were comrades Sergei Ryzhik (Head of the SPF Administration) and Petr Shishkov.

On behalf of the Chinese Executive Committee of our organization, Luan Xinglong (Head of the Chinese Group of Solidarity with the DPRK), Zhang Shaoyan and Zhu Yilin participated in the dialogue.

The head of the Chinese organization told the members of the delegation about the activities of the DPRK ISG and showed them important news, including a press release on the events in the Soviet Peace Foundation. He expressed full support for the legitimate leadership of the Foundation headed by comrade Baburin and noted that, by order of Chairman Mostov, our Solidarity Group created the "Committee of Solidarity with the Soviet Peace Foundation".

Comrade Baburin was positively surprised by the powerful activity of Chinese activists supporting the Soviet Peace Fund, and thanked them for it from the bottom of his heart.

Representatives of the Chinese organization noted:

We understand very well the situation in which your organization has found itself due to the illegal actions of hostile forces that put personal ambitions and career interests above the demands of history. In this regard, Chairman Mostov instructed to treat the Soviet Peace Fund as a fraternal organization and to provide it with all possible support in the current difficult situation.

At the moment, we are informing the Chinese government and the media about the attacks that you have been subjected to. We assure you that the attack being carried out on you, undermining the foundations of the development of Russian·Chinese relations and Russian·Korean relations at the level of people's diplomacy, will not go unnoticed.

All activists of our executive committees are confident that with joint efforts we will be able to achieve victory.

Comrade Baburin, together with Comrade Luan Xinglong, summed up the specific steps that should be taken to open a branch of the Soviet Peace Fund in China.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of signing a treaty of friendship and cooperation between our organization and the Soviet Peace Fund and the Russian All·People's Union.

Following the meeting, an official letter of solidarity addressed to the board of the Soviet Peace Fund was approved.

The meeting participants took a commemorative photo.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 97 | Added by: redstartvkp
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