Letter of Solidarity for All Activists

   April 5, Pyongyang (RSTV)   


[독자투고 (Guestbook)]

[English] [Русский] [中国语] [Deutsch]


On April 3, the All-Republican National Peace Committee sent a letter of solidarity to all activists of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG).

The full text of the letter follows.

Dear friends!

Please accept warm greetings from Pyongyang on behalf of the Korean National Peace Committee.

In connection with the serious situation on the Korean Peninsula, we have already clearly warned you that the military bluff of the United States and South Korea have not begun to subside at all, but, on the contrary, are causing more and more serious concerns.

The desperate behavior of war fanatics is out of bounds. The military hysteria of the United States and South Korea, which for 11 days from March 13 held the longest-term large-scale joint military exercise “Freedom Shield” in the history of imitating an all-out war against our Republic, reached its highest intensity after the parallel start of the joint landing exercises “Sangryong”.

As a follow-up to the current exercise, the United States is attempting to hold a joint maritime exercise in the East Sea of Korea next week with the participation of the US, Japanese and South Korean navies. In this regard, on March 28, the nuclear-powered US Navy aircraft carrier was transferred to the Busan operational base.

The United States and the puppets, having completely lost their sense of fear and proportion, are frankly talking about the preparations for the "capture of Pyongyang" and the "decapitation operation." This shows that hostile acts against us have reached their extreme limit.

The U.S. Department of Defense and State Department continue to cover up the current exercise with the words “defensive” and “regular,” repeating exemplary answer at every opportunity: “exercises with South Korea have long been ongoing, defensive and regular.” But provocateurs and aggressors cannot hide the fact that these exercises are deliberate military actions based on vile attempts to disrupt peace and stability both on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.

The US and the puppets are openly chatting that as a continuation of the current military exercises in June, there will be the largest ever so-called “Joint Fire Exercise for Destruction”, which will involve joint armed forces of the army, air force and navy with the latest weapons. This reminds our people and army of June 1950, when Korea suffered the terrible scourge of war, and further awakens our consciousness.

The All-Republican National Peace Committee expresses its confidence that you, who love justice and peace, paid due attention to the situation on the Korean Peninsula and provided absolute support and solidarity in the struggle of the Korean people to protect peace and stability. We look forward to your frank opinions on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 353 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: North Korea, Korea, United States (USA), Japan, DPRK, South Korea
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