12:33 1st International Congress of Solidarity Held |
On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea, many progressive people in the world are recalling the glorious days of the Party’s history. To celebrate this significant event, the DPRK International Solidarity Group held the first congress in its nine-year history.
The First Official Congress of the DPRK ISG Starts in a Solemn Setting The 1st International Congress of Solidarity took place on October 3, 109 Juche (2020). The Congress was attended by the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG and its candidate members, members of the Preparatory Committee on Important Dates of the DPRK ISG, leading employees and activists of the Group, representatives of allied parties, political and public associations, youth organizations, members of Kruzhoks, eminent scholars, educationalists, doctors and artists. Representatives of «Bulgeunbyeol TV» and «Korean Radio» filmed the Congress.
For the period from October 3 to October 7, the Preparatory Committee on Important Dates was established as follows:
On behalf of the Coordination Committee, Comrade Li Jizheng presided over the Congress. To commemorate the great Paektusan leaders, the immortal revolutionary hymns “Song of the General Kim Il Sung” and “Song of the General Kim Jong Il” were performed. Comrade Li Jizheng delivered an inaugural address and announced the opening of the First International Congress of Solidarity. The Congress participants stood up to listen to the Korean Workers' Party anthem.
Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG Alexander Mostov made a Political Speech Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in Russia and CIS countries, made a political speech on the occasion of the Congress. First, Comrade Mostov greeted the members of the Coordination Committee, members of its Preparatory Committee on Important Dates, representatives of allied political parties and organizations, members of Kruzhoks and public associations. The head of our organization said that it is an honor to him to welcome so many representatives from different countries, as well as representatives of so many political forces at the 1st International Congress of Solidarity, and expressed his appreciation.
He addressed to Congress participants:
Then Comrade Mostov described in detail the path of Party and State building, which the People's Korea has gone through since October 10, 34 Juche (1945). Talking about the history of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea, he mentioned that its roots go back to the beginning of twentieth century, when in 1926, at the dawn of the Korean revolution, the Great Comrade Kim Il Sung established Korea's first revolutionary avant-garde organization – Down-with-Imperialism Union. Comrade Mostov noted:
Comrade Mostov stressed that the DPRK, due to the independent policy of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung, from the very beginning defended its sovereignty in political and economic terms. Unlike the countries that entered the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the Warsaw Pact Organization and therefore was dependent on the Soviet Union, the Workers' Party of Korea chose the Juche path - the path of self-reliance.
Talking about how this desire was reflected in the symbols of the party, Chairman of the Group recalled the party workers presented to comrade Kim Il Sung a draft emblem of the WPK, which depicted a worker with a hammer, a peasant plowing the land and a steelworker with iron crowbars. “The biggest omission is that only the worker and the peasant are depicted here, and the working intelligentsia is discarded. Only an emblem depicturing all of them together can display that the Labor Party is a united party of the working people", Comrade Kim Il Sung said that day, and suggested depicting the working class with a hammer, the peasants with a sickle, and the intelligentsia with a brush, in accordance with the revolutionary traditions of the Korean people. Then comrade Mostov went on:
At the end of his speech, comrade Mostov analyzed the mistakes of the pre-Kim Il Sung people's liberation movement in Korea during the occupation, which only benefited Japanese invaders. He drew a parallel with the current situation, noting the dangerous tendency towards divisiveness and dogmatism of the international progressive forces. Calling for unification, the head of our Group said:
Comrade Mostov appealed to representatives of political forces participating the Congress, emphasizing that the current blockade, which our organization has met, these political forces may also meet in the future, because the pressure which is now being put on "Bulgeunbyeol TV" will be put on the “Red Line” sooner or later. Finishing his speech, he said:
The congress participants enthusiastically listened to the anthem of the Workers' Party of Korea. Then there was an award session, the thank-you notes and solidarity badges made by our organization on the occasion of the Congress were presented to its outstanding participants.
The Award Session Was Held Chairman of the Coordination Committee Alexander Mostov personally presented a thank-you note to: Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in the PRC, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Bulgeunbyeol TV" Li Jizheng - for a significant contribution to the development of the Group, the establishment of friendly relations with Chinese solidarity organizations, financial support of "Bulgeunbyeol TV" and participation in the humanitarian campaign; Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in the EU Fritz Schmidt - for his significant contribution to the development of the Group, the establishment of friendly relations with the European Union solidarity organizations, financial support to "Bulgeunbyeol TV" and participation in the humanitarian campaign; Chairman of “Kothonryong Russia”, President of International Union "BOMMINRYONG" Kim Felix - for the comprehensive support of our Group and contribution to upholding the truth about the events on the Korean Peninsula; Member of the Bureau of the St. Petersburg City Committee of the Leninsky Komsomol of Russia Dobrov Nikita - for his comprehensive assistance in establishing friendly and cooperative relations with the Lenin Communist Youth League of the Russian Federation (Komsomol of the Russian Federation), as well as for establishing the basis for a long-term partnership with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; to the Executive Secretary of International Union "BOMMINRYONG", Chairman of the Russian public organization "the Korean War Veteran Administration" Shin Andrey - for his significant contribution to the development of the Group, information support of the "Bulgeunbyeol TV", the development of friendly and cooperative relations between our Group and the IU “BOMMINRYONG”; Candidate of Historical Sciences, a Koreanist Konstantin Asmolov - for informational support of our Group even during the most difficult days and for his significant contribution to debunking the myths about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). In accordance with the decision of the Preparatory Committee on Important Dates, other persons included in the thank-you list will receive a letter and a badge individually. At the end of the award session, the Congress participants stood up to listen to the "International" anthem.
Participants of the International Congress of Solidarity made reports Fritz Schmidt, the member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG and the Representative of the Group in the EU, was the first to make a report. Being born in Germany, Comrade Schmidt from early childhood saw the consequences of the deplorable influence of capitalism. Starting his report with memories of his first trip to the DPRK, he said:
Expressing his admiration for the Juche socialist theory, he presented his own analysis of its peculiarities based on the book "Lighthouse of Fate" written by Ko Pong, a member of the south Korean Society of Independent Philosophy.
While studying the Juche ideas, he identified three key points:
Comrade Schmidt underlined that with a help of the Juche ideas, a person, like a tank commander, makes a path for his destiny. He said: “Some leftists who are supporters of Trotskyism believe that the Juche ideas are "too simple to be an ideology." But, only a simple idea with deep meaning is capable of kindling a fire in the hearts of the masses, prompting them to take action.” Finishing his speech, in order to urge the Congress participants to rally more strongly around Korea and its immortal revolutionary ideals, he read a fragment of a poem written by the head of the Iranian Group of Kimilsungism, Ali leza Kozyaste:
During a brief discussion of the report, comrade Mostov, answering a relevant question from one of the guests of the Congress, emphasized that the Juche ideas do not at all proclaim the supremacy of consciousness over matter, but only scientifically substantiate how the consciousness of a person (the masses) is capable of changing the world around us.
Then the Chairman of “Kothonryong Russia”, President of International Union "BOMMINRYONG" Kim Felix was invited to speak. He said:
Then, Comrade Kim Felix launched a passionate appeal to the activists of the DPRK International Solidarity Group and the leaders of allied parties to uphold the truth about the events on the Korean Peninsula to the very end.
Nikita Dobrov, the member of the Bureau of the St. Petersburg City Committee of the Lenin’s Youth League Russia, was the next speaker on the Congress. First of all, he congratulated all the leaders, workers and activists of the DPRK International Group of Solidarity involved, as well as Comrade Alexander Mostov personally, on the holding of the First International Congress of Solidarity. He said the fact that the Congress is being held on the eve of the anniversary of the WPK makes the Congress especially significant. Comrade Dobrov said:
Talking about the cooperation with the DPRK International Group of Solidarity, he continued:
"I am happy to see that more and more young people are striving to join the DPRK International Group of Solidarity. It proves that young people from different countries are studying the ideas of the Juche, they honor the Great Comrade Kim Il Sung as a leader and teacher," Comrade Dobrov said.
Then the participants of the Congress, who are not members of the Preparatory Committee on Important Dates, made their reports, among them: a representative of the allied NPO "Open Space", a historian Pavel Azyukov and Candidate of Historical Science, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science Novikov Oleg.
The Congress also received several correspondence calls. In particular, a member of the Chinese Society for the Study of Juche Ideas, Comrade Zhang Zhi Feng, addressing the Congress participants, said that he was very glad to meet with comrades in the form of a video message. Comrade Zhang noted that the Juche ideas created by Comrade Kim Il Sung started a new era for humanity - the Juche era. On behalf of the Chinese Society for the Study of Juche Ideas, he expressed his sincere best wishes for the Congress and the future of Korea. He also stressed that we will joint our effort to fight the Western media, which shamelessly slander the DPRK.
In turn, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party "Communists of Russia" and the international commission of the Central Committee of the Party, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee, Deputy of the Assembly of Deputies of the Konakovsky District of the Tver Region, Ilya Kleimenov congratulated the DPRK International Group of Solidarity on the upcoming 75 anniversary of the establishment of the Workers' Party of Korea. Comrade Kleimenov stressed that the entire history of the modern DPRK is associated with the activities and struggle of the WPK, which was founded immediately after the liberation of the DPRK by Kim Il Sung.
The Closing Ceremony of the Congress Was Held After the reports, Comrade Kim Felix on behalf of the IU "BOMMINRYONG" presented certificates to the members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG for organizing and holding at the commemorative events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea at a high level. Comrade Kim Felix emphasized the symbolism of the fact that the DPRK International Group of Solidarity was established based on the Russian organization, and spoke about the inviolability of Russian-Korean friendship. As a token of deep gratitude, Comrade Mostov expressed deep appreciation to the IU "BOMMINRYONG" and the editorial staff of the Korean Radio for comprehensive information support even during the most difficult days. Chairman of the Preparatory Committee on Important Dates Li Jizheng congratulated the participants on the successful Congress and announced its closure. The participants of the Congress stood up to listen to the hymn "The Great Leader will Always Be with Us".
Laying flowers at the monument to the defenders of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation Then, as a sign of solidarity with the progressive forces of Russia, the workers and activists of the DPRK ISG laid flowers at the monument to the defenders of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, who died during the suppression of the popular uprising of 1993. The ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in Russia and CIS countries, the editor-in-chief of "Bulgeunbyeol TV" Comrade Mostov Alexander, the Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in the PRC, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Bulgeunbyeol TV" Comrade Li Jizheng, the Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, the Representative of the Group in the EU Comrade Fritz Schmidt and a representative of the allied NPO "Open Space" Pavel Azyukov, as well as other activists of the Group from Russia and China.
Members of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG laid a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Congress, and, after that, standing next to the Group’s Chairman bowed in a sign of deep respect for the memory of the fallen heroes.
Fixing the bouquet of flowers, Comrade Mostov expressed the hope that the new generation will not forget the example of the unanimity and solidarity of the defenders of the House of Soviets. Then the activists of the Group honored the memory of the defenders.
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